Nigel Blayney

The Master Jeweller
Nigel Blayney, the founder of Cymru Gold, has been a master of Jewellery for over 45 years. In this time he has brought many innovations to the art of the goldsmith and as such has won world wide acclaim.
Some of his American customers laughingly describe him as a "Wild Celt", wild or not, his ancestors are certainly traceable back to Celtic times. The Blayney family crest of three severed white horses heads is still that of the Celtic War Chief, Brochwel Ysgythrog, Prince of Powys of the line of Vortigern, and is said to celebrate his victory over the Saxon horsemen.
Ancient Welsh blood from the Land of their Fathers runs through the Blayney veins and Nigel designs the beautiful jewellery pieces shown on this website with a Welsh passion. He firmly believes that Welsh jewellery should be created in Wales if it is to have credibility, and that so called "welsh" jewellery brought in from abroad loses its authenticity.
Our modern wild Celt is proud of the fact that the kings and queens of England still chose Welsh gold for their jewellery, and believes his ancient royal ancestors would have been proud of the fact also!